“Hey,” a voice offers companionably. Zach stiffens.
Aron! He is talking. And here. This is happening.
“What’s going on?” Zach asks, taken aback.
If Aron is here it means Zach has a chance to get out of this nightmare. It means that death is not a surety anymore; it’s been downplayed to a possibility. It means that Zach has somebody to watch his back.
The rest of the inmates give Aron a dumbstruck look. They are probably questioning how come he’s here right now. Zach would sure like to know.
“Hey, Aron, what just happened?” Zach asks. It’s aimed at everybody so he has more chances of getting an answer. “With the…and the…Just. What happened?”
“Ah, I’m your new cellmate,” Aron says.
Zach opens his mouth and closes it. “How did that happen?”
“It didn’t.” Aron shrugs. “I didn’t do anything stupid. It would have taken too long, even if I tried it, so I broke in.”
Zach nods as if he understands. “Why did you do that?”