“Why? Or maybe it’s how? You barely know me.” Liz knew there were multiple layers to her question, but chose not to draw attention to it.
Andrea smiled, a smile that would have made the Mona Lisa jealous at its mystery. “I have a strong instinct about people sometimes.” Liz felt sure there was something else to it, but she was still just tipsy enough to be unable to focus on what that could be. Instead, she chose to just enjoy the fact she felt good right now.
* * * *
Of course, Liz noticed that every time she met up with Andrea for coffee or lunch or, well, pretty much any reason, time seemed to fall away. They nearly always found themselves surprised at how quickly the time flew. She didn’t think much of it, other than good friends enjoying their time together. One time, wandering aimlessly, they came upon a little thrift shop. They spent the better part of an hour browsing the aisles, trying on vintage dresses and concert T-shirts.