Chapter 15

The fall semester fully under way, Andrea felt almost resentful of her classes and schoolwork because of how much time they took away from Liz. After a week or two of barely seeing each other, Liz invited her over for dinner and said, “Bring your homework. We may both need to study, but we learned early on that we could study together!” Soon, Andrea was spending at least three to four evenings a week as Liz’s place. She helped with dinner and cleanup, joined in with bedtime stories, and then both women would spread their school books across the table for study time. They’d fallen into a routine together, and Andrea loved it, but was currently quite distracted by it. All these changes since we met, and here I am again, with her studying across the table from me and completely oblivious to the fact I’m far too distracted to do my own work.

“I love you.” She’d been thinking it, and then just had to say it.

Liz looked up quickly, then let a slow smile cross her face. “I love you, too.”