Chapter 4

With brief farewells to the rest of the family, he escaped as quickly as he could without offending his mother. Like a homing pigeon, he headed through the quiet Sunday streets to Pembroke Road and his cousin Cat. 4

As he turned the corner into Pembroke Road, Adam spied the familiar shape of his cousin coming towards him. He could see Cat was smiling when she spotted him. As she approached him, she said, “I was just coming to rescue you,” and threaded her hand over his elbow.

They walked without hesitation or comment up to the Downs and over the expanse of grass towards the suspension bridge. “How did it go it this week?” Cat asked.

“Oh, you know,” Adam replied, “A catalogue of young ladies as long as my arm eagerly awaiting my attention at the Hamiltons’.”

“They’ll be faint with anticipation throughout the week and bowled over on the night, no doubt,” Cat said with a twinkle, which made him laugh, his spirits lifted already.