Apart from Cat, he did not talk about Alf to his family, just occasionally mentioning an ‘army pal’ visiting to allay any further enquiries. Life was settled and on an even keel and he thought he was keeping a balance between the pressures and family and life and the office and his precious time with Alf. Until the inevitable day of reckoning arrived.
It was an ordinary Sunday lunch with the family and Adam was in the mundane act of passing the horseradish sauce when his mother addressed him.
“Will you be joining us at the Hutchinsons dinner party next weekend, Adam?”
“If I can, Mother,” he replied automatically.
She continued as if he had not spoken, “Because that would be the ideal time to pop the question to Isabel. Her mother will be so pleased. A spring wedding would be lovely and then you can both move in here.” She turned to her husband. “I thought the suite on the second-floor front would do nicely.”