Chapter 4

“Yes, on my computer I have time-stamped emails and reports that I sent to management. I also have the specs for the original design with an explanation of why I didn’t use our preferred vendor, Minster, and specified Charter instead.”

Etienne’s lips thinned. “They’re not supposed to be able to fire a whistleblower.”

“No, they’re not, but there was nothing I could do to stop them.”

Julio gazed up at his Mate with firm purpose. “Etienne, Garou has divisions that use engineers…Maybe we could…”

“Garou?” Richard asked, his eyes growing big. “Garou is the top employer in North America for engineers, known for treating their employees with respect, and providing excellent compensation.”

Julio grabbed Richard’s hand. “Most of the people here today are on the board of Garou Industries. Do you have a resume with you?”

“I have thirty copies. I just came back from Kinko’s when Gilbert caught me on the stoop. Do you think they’d read it?”