Chapter 7

The wall phone rang, and Bill Lutz answered. “Richard?”

“Hi, Bill, I hate to do this to you, but I finally got a job in my field. I ran into an old friend, and it just so happens his husband works for Garou. He hired me on the spot.”

“I’m sorry to hear you’re leaving, but you’ll be happier working at a job you were trained for. I hope it all works out for you. Even I’ve heard of Garou.” Bill poured a drink while he kept the phone cocked on his shoulder.

“I’m sorry for the short notice, but they’re leaving for Manhattan tomorrow morning.”

“No problem. You’ve been a good employee but with your training, I didn’t expect to have you as long as I did. Good luck.”

“Thank you, Bill. You’ve been very kind.”

Bill hung up the phone. He announced to the room at large, “That was Richard. He got a job with Garou Industries in Manhattan and won’t be back.”