Chapter 18

The elevator whirred. That must be Isabel with breakfast. He’d take the stairs and be up there before she got to the breakfast room.

He made it to the master suite just before Isabel. Richard was staring out the window at the street. “Are you ready for breakfast?” He stopped and watched Richard, and his heart turned over.

“I thought we were having brunch with Julio and Etienne.” Richard turned to him, cocking his head.

“We are, but not until ten. It’s only eight. I don’t know about you, but I could use a little food now.”

“I guess I am a bit hungry. I can’t understand why I’m so starved. Usually, I just eat a breakfast bar.”

“It must be all the excitement.”

“That’s true, it’s not every day you get accused of murder.” Richard gave him a crooked smile. “Or get engaged.” He chuckled. “I’m sure Bill Lutz is skeptical. I never even mentioned a boyfriend.”

“You can tell him that you preferred to keep your private life, private.” Julien took hold of Richard’s arm. “Come sit.”