Chapter 28

He sat down behind his desk and picked up the landline. “La Marche residence, Pierre speaking.” He could hear Pierre yawning.

“Pierre, this is Alpha Bellaire.”

“Let me guess, your Mate knows, and you need the Alphas and the boys.”

“Not exactly, but I have to talk to The Alpha.” Not as familiar with Armand as the others, Julien’s hands shook. He tended to keep his head down, do his work and go home. Julien was a nerd, His expertise was the nuts and bolts of manufacturing, power systems, and fabricators. When they made a prototype, it was Julien who had it tested and designed the machinery to put it into production, so he had to be detail oriented. He was lucky his Mate was of the same temperament.

“Alpha Bellaire?” Armand got on the phone.

“Richard knows, but I don’t need you and the Mates until the morning, say about nine. Richard needs his sleep.”

“He just accepted it all without a fuss?”