Chapter 34

Armand stared at Stawski up and down and narrowed his eyes. “I believe my associate told you that Richard was with us at thirty thousand feet at the time of this thug’s death. I have fifteen people here that can attest to that plus sixty-four more. If you are intent on deposing them, I must insist that you do it at Mr. Kellerman’s office. I don’t like lazy policemen who glom on to the first person they find to try to close a case. I am going to have Mr. Kellerman file a motion for harassment. Besides, you have no jurisdiction in New York.”

Detective Stawski waved a paper in front of them. “I have a subpoena here that says that Mr. Kerrigan must come to Chicago to be deposed in this matter, I’m here to take him into custody, and this document says I can. He is a material witness and the last person to see Mr. Kasun alive.”