Chapter 27

Yet the thought of leaving stabbed through Ike’s soul like a keen blade.

Finally, he heard the county unit pull up, the engine die, a door slam, and then Perry’s boots on the back porch. He was not sure what to expect, but the time to worry and wonder was over.

Perry stopped just inside the door. He took off his gear belt and hung it up in the usual place. All the time, his gaze never left Ike’s face. Although Ike had stood, he didn’t move away from the table. He had to wait.

“Damn it, get your ass over here!” Perry’s eyes twinkled as he issued the order, a laugh lurking behind the words.

He can’t be very mad.That flashed through Ike’s mind as he started across the ten feet between them. He stopped one stride away. For a dozen breaths, they just looked at each other. Ike saw Perry’s changeable eyes had gone green.