I’m dumber than dirt. Craig is going to mop up the floor with me when he finds out what I’ve done. Oh, shit.But the self-lecture did no good. He got into the Ford, started it, and then glanced back at Sam. “Okay, bud, where do ya wanna go?” 4
There really wasn’t any doubt where they were going. Craig had checked out at the country hospital and, lacking any other information, Roy figured he must still be there. He hadn’t come back on the air, at least not by the time Roy and Sam went outdoors. There had hardly been a peep on the scanner to give him any idea about what was going on, but Craig was there. Roy began to think Sam somehow sensed his partner was in trouble and needed help. Sam wasn’t cleared to go back on duty yet, but he didn’t know that and would not care anyway. If Craig needed him, he wanted to be there. Not so odd because Roy felt the same way already.