“Uhh, well, yeah. I guess I am. I’ve never been in Vegas before, have no idea where it’s safe or bad or anything. Don’t misunderstand. I don’t need a handout. I’m not broke or homeless. I could go check into any hotel in town.”
Jest grinned. “Didn’t say you were. I just saw you had that look about you…a look I know ‘cause I’ve had it a time or two. Needing something, anyway.”
“I’m not musical, and I don’t do…well, drugs or anything. I don’t even handle liquor very well. That’s kinda why I’m a long way from home.”
“Which is?”
“San Jose, Silicon Valley. Worked at MegaGames.”
“No shit? You work at MegaGames?” Next to saying you were part of a big name band, to Jest that was like saying you came from Nirvana. After drumming, he really loved games.
“Yeah. I’m not sure if I still do or not.” The other guy shook his head again, blinked fast a couple of times and sucked in a deep breath. “I’m…er…on vacation right now.”