Now it was Jest’s turn to hesitate, digging for the right response. “I thought you might like it. I figured it could tell me a lot, just seeing how you reacted to it.” For a minute he felt tension, something akin to fear. Maybe he’d been too honest, revealed more than he meant to.
Greene gave him a small, crooked smile. “And does it?”
“I think so. Enough.”
When Greene exhaled, it sounded almost like a sigh. “Can we stay here a while? Or do you want to go on somewhere else?”
“Far as I care, we can sit here all day. Just need to get back up to the ATV by sundown. I didn’t bring a light and the trail would be tricky in the dark, the part we have to walk. Of course, the ATV has lights, but I’d still like to be closer to home before we have to rely on them.”
Greene smiled again, more open this time. “Not going to get stuck out here with a flat tire or out of gas or something then?”
“Shit! I wouldn’t do that. It’s not summer yet and it’ll be pretty chilly down here at night.”