Chapter 12

“Breakfast?” Rafe asked.

“Yes, thank you. Can I pour the coffee?” Justin asked.

“I’ll take it black, no sugar.” Rafe answered.

“I’m the opposite. I like it light and sweet.” Justin poured two cups and handed one to Rafe. “Thank you for breakfast; you didn’t have to do that.” Justin felt brave enough to go over and give Rafe a hug. Rafe pulled him into his arms and kissed him using a bit of tongue, just enough to test the waters.

Justin pulled him in deeper, opening his mouth. “Your mouth is so sweet,” Rafe said and pulled away to tend to the stove. “The bacon is going to burn, sit,” Rafe told him. Justin pulled up a chair. “I’m going to work with you this morning and I’m staying with you until I know that Nicky Conti was served with the restraining order.” He put the plate of bacon in the warming oven. “How do you like your eggs?” Rafe asked.