Chapter 40

“Two days until Friday the thirteenth,” he’d said. When I’d woo-wooed, he’d replied, “I know you don’t believe in stuff like that, but I do, sort of.”

“Like avoiding black cats, and no walking under ladders,” I’d said, patting his leg.

“Yeah. Think what might have happened if someone had been under the ladder when the step broke and Pat fell.”

“He’d have landed on them and wouldn’t have sprained his wrist.”

“Or they’d both have been hurt more than he was.”

“True, I guess.” I’d kept my hand on his thigh, wishing it was the end of the day and we were heading home.

Now, it’s not an option. I’m probably stuck here forever. Or at least until I find out who helped me get off the bridge the fast way. The idea of never being with David again did nothing at all to boost my morale.