By the time midnight rolled around everything was in place with the exception of the books, which would be unpacked in the morning.
“Okay, what have you learned so far?” Van asked after they all found somewhere to sit—in Tonio and Kurt’s case on the floor, backs against the wall. Sage repeated his question to Mike.
“I’ve talked with the three suspects in Irene’s murder. Unless he’s got superpowers, there’s no way Dave Adams could be the one who shot you. I’ve confirmed to my satisfaction that he was in Florida last night.”
“What about Oliver and Ridley?” Gene asked through Sage.
“Ridley’s alibi isn’t ironclad, because he could have made it from his meeting to where you were in time to shoot you. However, I don’t see how he would have known the two of you had gone out to a movie to begin with unless he followed you before going to meet his clients. He was with them from seven until nine, give or take a few minutes, which they confirmed.”