Chapter 135


“Where were you?” Tonio asked at the same time that Kurt wanted to know, “How did he do it?

“Guys, slow down with the questions,” Brody said. “Give him a chance to breathe.”

“We don’t breathe,” Jon pointed out.

Brody rolled his eyes. “A figure of speech.” He turned his attention to Daw, saying, “You don’t have to answer right now, if you’d rather wait.”

Daw shrugged. “Waiting won’t change anything. So, umm, because it was so damned hot,” he looked at Tonio and Kurt as they’d asked the question, “I was on the roof of a building where, maybe, I’d catch a breeze. I’ve been doing that on and off for the last couple of weeks, give or take. Well, more often than that, usually. I feel safer up high, where it’s harder for cops and punks to get to me. Okay, it used to be safer until recently.”

Kurt cocked his head when Daw stopped talking. “What changed?”