“Do you have books in there?” Tonio asked.
“A couple that I scrounged from trash cans.”
“We can put in a shelf under there. I keep the books I’m reading on our nightstand.”
“All twenty of them,” Kurt said with a laugh, ducking when Tonio feinted a blow to his shoulder. “Well, a lot, anyway.”
Sage had been relaying the ghosts’ conversation to Mike, as usual. Now, Mike said, “We can start on it tomorrow, and late tomorrow night we can take the tub and toilet to a drop-off place for one of the thrift stores.”
“Meaning we get to rent a truck, again,” Sage replied with a grin.
“Yep. We should buy stock in the rental firm, as much as we use it.”
“After that we find a bed and we’re good,” Jon said.
“I’m sure we can pick one up for you at a thrift store,” Sage replied. “Don’t argue,” he said when it looked as if the ghosts might. “I don’t think people toss beds by their trash bins.”