“Is there anyone else you’d like to invite?” Luca asked.
“The only other person I was close to was Matty and I certainly don’t want him at my opening or my wedding. Even though he was my friend as well as my lover, I’ve thought about what you said and you were right, he left me like a stray dog he fed, then abandoned.” A tear dripped down Dennis’ nose.
“Don’t let that snake give you one more moment’s distress,” Luca growled.
“It’s not that I want him either as a friend or a lover anymore. I have you and you’re everything to me.” Luca got up and gave him a hug.
“It’s that he was all I ever had and we ruined that by taking it too far. It’s sad, that’s all. Sad that we kept each other from making any friends or for that matter, having a life.” Dennis hiccupped.