Chapter 49

“Tony and Angie are here. The doctor wants you in ICU. Tony’s going to speak to him.”

Luca couldn’t speak, so he nodded. Dennis grabbed his hand.

Tony stuck his head in the door, “I’m going to talk to the doctor.” Angie came right into the room and went to the other side of the bed. Deb discreetly left the family alone. The back of Luca’s gurney was up so he could breathe easier. She kissed Luca hello.

“Do you want to get some coffee from the vending machines? I’ll stay with him.”

“No, Angie, I’m not leaving unless I have to leave. The only time he’s been alone is when I called you and Tony and when I got Deb Conti to take over his care, but thanks anyway.”

Tony came into the room. Luca was sleeping fitfully. He pulled Dennis aside. “The doctor is checking for a malignancy. Luca never smoked so I don’t think he’ll find that.”

Dennis pulled Tony over to the side. “I don’t know which doctors I can trust. Can you make some calls?”

* * * *