Chapter 3

I giggled at how Star WarsI sounded and repeated it.

The hand got me pulled up onto the barstool. I tried to sit on it but overshot, almost going down again. My stomach gurgled. I giggled.

“Whoa! The barstool shrank, uh, shrinked. No, um, shrunk.” I glared at it. “Naughty barstool. Don’t do that.”

With a little help from the hand, I tried a third or fourth time, but the barstool was even smaller each try.

I turned and looked at the guy, who was still holding me by the arm. He was out from behind the bar and standing next to me. I couldn’t remember seeing him without the bar hiding his body from his waist down. He was quite a bit taller than me. The hair poking out of the top of his T-shirt was nearly in my face, but since my head hung down, his tight jeans and his prominent bulge were all I could really see.

“I could blow you,” I muttered, watching his bump jump. Then I giggled again. “Your dick jumped.”