Chapter 16

Mostly what I focused on was seeing Guy that night. He was a thread, like Felicity’s excitement, keeping me going during my busy day. I didn’t care what he decided we would do that night because just being with him was enough for me.

I was confused about feeling this way since I was probably still in shock about how Alex had abandoned me. Did I like Guy for Guy? Or did I like him because he’d picked up the pieces? Because he’d made me not care about being dumped on my birthday? I wish I knew.

* * * *

I got back to Penny’s about four after signing papers at the bank and then carting them to Felicity for her signature, then doubling back to the bank. All the wheels had been set in motion, and the money would be freed up soon and our payment booklets sent out to us. Now to start spending some money to get the shop up to speed and then ta-da! A grand opening.