Chapter 18

“Hey, you!” I greeted him. “What are you doing here?”

“You said you were gonna go through the new place and think about redecorating. I had some time and thought I’d join you.” He leaned down and gave me a quick hug. “Who’s this?”

“Oh, yeah. Guy, this is Fredi. Fredi, Guy.”

If Fredi had been a hunting dog, I’d have said he was in full point. Evidently I wasn’t the only one who thought Guy was really something special.

“You can help me across the street, Guy.” Fredi gave him a full-fashion grin. “There’s the building, right?”

I nodded, but Fredi wasn’t watching. He was too busy batting his eyelashes at Guy. Obviously he’d missed the hint that Guy and I were together. I would have been jealous, except that it was Fredi, and I knew he wasn’t serious. Yet.