Chapter 29

“What was he talking about?” I demanded of Guy. “I didn’t start any trouble.”

Guy shrugged. Then he pointed outside the broken window at a group of women storming toward Penny’s.

Felicity had stood up and had been hovering while we were talking. Now she, too, looked out the shattered window at the women.

The leader appeared to be a former cheerleader with her blonde ponytail swaying as she strode our way. The eight women behind her were clones, all toned bodies and no nonsense beauty.

“Melissa?” Felicity yelped. “What’s going on?”

The woman nodded at Guy and muttered, “Stone.” Then she turned to Felicity, and she pointed at me.

“This is your boss?” Melissa asked.

“Uh, no,” I said before she got going. “Felicity and I co-own Penny’s. I’m Jim Patterson.”

“Jim?” mouthed Felicity as Melissa shook my hand.

“Mr. Patterson,” Melissa started.

“Jimmy, please,” I relented, rolling my eyes at Felicity. Okay, she didn’t want me to be a “Jim.” I got it.