Chapter 36

He could barely get his “Are you kidding?” out.

Once we returned to cuddling and were supposed to be settling in for sleep, he erupted in a giggle.

“Too much,” he whispered finally. “You’re just too much, Jimmy. God, I love you.” 9

After the bombshell of the night before, we didn’t have time in the morning to talk about Guy’s use of the “L” word.

The sheriff called as I was in the bathroom, relieving myself.

“They say they have the culprit,” Guy reported when I got back to the bedroom. “They want you and Felicity down at the sheriff’s department as soon as you can get there. I think they want to know what kind of charges you want to file.”

So we galloped through our showers, got dressed, and ate a hasty breakfast. We both knew we needed more time to explore what Guy had said and what I was going to respond.

Guy made a few phone calls, then announced we would pick up Felicity and all go to the sheriff’s office together.