Chapter 21

Still, I could feel the air around me changing.

* * * *

My meeting with Lorraine and Bud went smoother than the one with Mack.

They were shocked to hear Junior wanted to work construction instead of hang around the cafe. Given my love of Bud’s desserts, I assured them I was too.

“But construction’s hard work,” Lorraine worried.

“I think that’s the point,” Bud said, shaking his head. “He wants to look like Abe. Shit, I wanted to look like Abe in school too.”

I was surprised. Why would anybody want to be big and hairy?

Lorraine put her arms around Bud. “No, sweetie, we love you the way you are.”

Bud blushed, and I hurried in to his rescue.

“Your son’s a teenager,” I said. “He wants to break away from his folks and be his own person.”

They looked at each other and nodded.

“I have an idea about helping him do it.”