“We’re sorry we didn’t help more,” Ben mumbled. “We could have stepped up.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry too. It wasn’t just your responsibility,” Connor added.
“You kidding?” I was appalled. “Of course it was my responsibility! I’m the oldest. I wouldn’t have had it any other way. At least both of you got a childhood, got to be teenage screw-ups. It all worked out. It just took me a little longer to figure out who I was, that’s all.”
“But it’s not fair,” Connor said. His face was stern as if our roles had suddenly reversed.
“Con, life’s not fair. Most of the time, the unfair parts even out and disappear, leaving only the good. Now, what’s going on with you? You look like you’re enjoying being a baker’s apprentice.” I beamed at him. “I’m enjoying the things you’re leaving for me every day.”
He smiled and blushed. Whatever was going on was something good and not something to worry about.