Chapter 29

“Okay, from now on, he’s my former boyfriend, my former lover,” I agreed. “But I’ll always love him.”

“Fair enough.” David snuggled close to me and put his hand in my lap. “He had his moments with you. Now I get to have your future.”

I hugged him and we kissed.

Then he pulled back.

“So how many were there?”

“What?” I asked.

“In your bed? After you left?”

“None in this bed,” I answered, and he poked me. “Okay, all right. Maybe ten, a dozen. No one of importance. Some whose names I don’t even know. The rest I can’t even remember. How about you?”

“Three. I couldn’t wrap my mind around sex when I was getting off the horse. Sometimes I couldn’t even find my dick. Then after I was clean, I was afraid hooking up would involve more than sex, and I didn’t want to slide.” He shook his head and hugged me back.

“Donnie Ray?” I fucking hated the guy, and David had come to Tahoe with him. Something about helping the fucker put on a celebrity wedding.