I was steaming. Fuck them. I’d bought a building that was about to collapse and made part of downtown look like crap. Squatters were breaking in and living there until they were evicted or moved on. I’d taken this pile of dung and spent money having it returned to its fucking splendor—if you could call making a rat-infested old brick building look like a cleaned-up version of an ordinary old brick building splendid.
I started to rise, ready to turn my back on them, when David put his hand on my arm.
“Do you mind if I say something?” he asked me. His gaze shouted “Trust me!”
What the hell? Nobody could make this fuckfest civil. They hadn’t added “or else” but it was understood. We all knew it. One look at Tommy’s face underscored it.
“Sure. Go for it.” I shrugged. Whatever.