Chapter 4

“Have you already checked in at a hotel?”

Jensen shook his head. “I figured you must have a room somewhere.”

Milo nodded. “I do.”

Jensen leered at Milo. “Can’t wait to get back to the hotel. My hard dick has a long overdue appointment with your tight ass. It has been a week since we last had sex.”

Milo chortled. “Is that all you can think about?”

“Yeah. What’s wrong with that?”

Milo sighed. “I guess the romance in our relationship is officially dead now. I’m nothing more than a warm hole for you to park your cock in.”

Jensen looked stricken immediately. “Baby, you know I love you.”

Milo forced himself not to lose it, but he couldn’t hold back for more than a few seconds. Jensen’s facial expression was hilarious. Amusement overwhelmed Milo, and he burst out laughing

“Relax, man. Just teasing you.”

Jensen seemed stunned for a second or two before he glared at Milo. “Just for that alone, I’ll spank you later when we get back to the hotel room.”