Chapter 22

“We’re on the same page, right? You feel a connection to me? Or am I mistaken?”

I smiled—okay, beamed—at him, throwing all my happiness in his face. After another cautious look at me, he grinned back. Our agreement constructed an invisible bridge, not a very sturdy or substantial span as yet, but a bridge between us nonetheless.

“Of course I feel it,” I said. “I want to see where this goes too.”

He still looked worried, but I was euphoric.

I’ve never understood this about myself. When I get overly angry, I work myself into a panic attack, but when I’m excessively happy, no attack. My heart seems to beat as quickly. My breathing is nearly panting. But no panic attack. How is this possible?

No matter. Christopher and I sat across from each other, ate our meals, and grinned. We were testing out our new little rope bridge, and it held.