“Ah, right. The kid who Larry’s got the crush on. You must be the game designer. Big stuff. Larry wants your autograph.” She ripped a page out of the back of her pad as a few men tried to call her over to their tables. Unflappable as always, she merely turned her head and said, “Keep your shirts on.”
Then she looked down at Christopher.
“I want you to make this out to Lorraine and Bud.” She spelled out her name as Christopher wrote it. “And sign it. Then I’ll take your order. Larry’s going to kill me for getting your autograph before he did. I love it!”
She and Christopher grinned at each other. Parent humor, I guess.
After she admired the piece of paper and scribbled down our order on a clean sheet, she scurried off in the direction of the kitchen, stopping by a few tables on her way.