Chapter 34

I also wanted to be on the opposite end of Main Street from where the Darlings would be living. I knew I couldn’t avoid them totally unless they moved, but I could make the chance of running into them at every turn less.

Item number two on my list was to call the hotel and change rooms. Away from the darling Darlings. No point in prolonging the pain. My heart had taken enough blows lately. The store was right around the corner from the hotel, so it would be foolish for me to move out of the Old Town area. In fact, I hoped I’d used up my quota of foolish for a while

As I sat thinking about what other steps I needed to take and stared at my short, succinct list, Christopher knocked on the door again, more quietly this time.

“Frank? How’s it going in there? Are you ready to talk to me?”

I sighed, got up, and unlocked the door.

He stood in the doorway, looking unsure and upset.

“C’mon in.” I stared past him at Riley and Henry, who both looked worried. “Do you want to talk too?”