A drop of water landed on Mitch’s face, and he sat up with a startled grunt.
“What the hell?”
“Uh, it’s pouring out. And the tent’s not waterproof anymore. We need to abandon camp.”
I quickly turned our boots over before they started collecting water and sat on one of the cots we’d pushed aside last night. I pulled on my pants and T-shirt, then slid on my boots, eyeing the ceiling. The deep sag from the accumulation of water meant we were about to be drenched.
“Uh, you might want to hurry up. You need both your pants and shoes.” I stood, stomping to get my foot seated in my boot. “We’ve got to pack up quick and get to Abe’s cabin.”
I stepped outside and was instantly drenched. Chilled to the bone, I opened Rita’s back end and started chucking gear inside. Behind me, I could hear Mitch squawk. He didn’t stand around complaining about the dirty water Rita was collecting but immediately pitched in to clear the campsite.
“How do we get the tent down?” he yelled at me.