“Glad you had some trust and faith in me!”
The two men waddle to the front of the church because of their heavy, winter gear. They look like overweight penguins. Jonah awkwardly climbs the three steps to the church first, swaying to and fro with stiff legs. Sandy follows, looking the same. They make their way inside the church and Pastor Blaine Hardwick greets them with hugs and kisses to their cheeks. He dresses in an all-white, hooded robe with golden rope tassels that hang from his waist. Following the endearments, the first thing he says to both men, “Did you remember the rings?”
“I have them somewhere under all this snow gear,” Sandy admits.
“Good to know.”
Jonah asks, “Have you heard from Cookie Coke?”
Pastor Blaine shakes his head. “I haven’t. Why?”