Chapter 6

“You’ll get to know this as you work for him.” Jimmy chewed on the fries he’d stolen. “That’s just Butch. He’s a really nice guy.”

I looked at him. He looked at me. We nodded. And smiled.

When Jimmy looked at me like he was now, I felt great. I was eight feet tall and could do anything in the world. I wanted to hug him.

Wait. Here? In the pub? I’d always wanted to hug and touch him, but never in the pub before. In front of other people.

Uh-oh. Something was definitely wrong with me. I needed time off to get a life, bad. 3

Jax had been working for about three weeks, and everything was going great. Tom had brought his friend Wayne in with him, and I’d hired them both to get the shop and website together. The whole place was humming right along.

Today I was taking Hazel, Jimmy’s mom, to lunch. She called the week before and sounded not upset exactly, but not like her normal self. I figured she had something on her mind.

I wasn’t wrong.

“So who is this Jax character?”