Chapter 9

Leonard waved at him.

It was at that moment I realized we had Leonard for another couple of hours. What was I going to do with the kid?

“Well, go get some snaps put on your cuff. Then I was wondering. Could you be my assistant this morning?” I waved at the kids mangling their leather, Wayne trying to teach, and the excited kids lining up to make their cuffs. “If you could show the kids on this end of the table what to do, I could go answer some of the grown-up questions. Do you mind doing that for me?”

I was afraid his smile was going to break his face before he nodded.

“Okay, well then. I’ll leave you to it. If you have problems, ask them…” I pointed to Jax, Tom, and Wayne. “Or yell for me. Okay?”

He nodded happily. After he got his snaps, he wedged in between two kids and turned to the little guy next to him, who watched and followed as Leonard put together another cuff.