Chapter 11

“Well, I thought maybe he might be special, but he’s not. We went out on a date. You know, dinner and a movie. I couldn’t wait to get away from him.”

“Oh, yeah? How come?” I was surprised. I woulda thought they’d get along real good. Shows what I know.

“No clue at first. I couldn’t figure it out. The whole time he was talking, all I could think was he was boring. But we were talking about the same kind of stuff you and I talk about. So how come he wasn’t interesting and you are?”

I shrugged, but he wasn’t really paying attention.

“Then I figured it out. Being with Jax is like being with a cheerful little brother. Or at least how I imagine a younger brother would be. He was enthusiastic and spent a lot of time trying to impress me, and all I could think was how cute that he was trying so hard. But when he got close enough to kiss, he made me cringe. Not good, right?”

He laughed, but I didn’t. How dare Jax try to kiss Jimmy? I hadn’t even kissed Jimmy.