Chapter 13

“I don’t know. Tom and Wayne ordered all the supplies for the craft table. You’ll have to talk to them.” I pointed toward the paper cuff on his wrist. “So you still remember how to braid?”

“Yes.” I smiled at the pride in his one word. “Can I ask you another question?”

“Sure.” I’d started to rise, but I sank back down.

“Do you have a boyfriend?” Now his face was beet red, and I’d bet mine was, too, at least from the warmth I felt on it.

“Nope. Why?”

“Good.” He sighed. “Maybe Uncle Jason?”

I shook my head. “Uh, no. I don’t think so. Sorry.”

He sighed again and gave me puppy eyes.

As I showed him out of the office, I laughed. Who would have thought the little guy was a matchmaker?

I couldn’t imagine what being his uncle’s boyfriend would be like. Not with his bitch of a mother. The thought made me shiver.