Chapter 15

He took me to a place in town where I’d never been before. We’d driven in his car instead of walking, and he hadn’t said nothing on the way over, which for Jimmy was bad, real bad.

All the way there, I racked my brain trying to figure out what I’d done. He was pissed off, and I was quickly getting there too.

By the time the server sat us and practically ran away from our silence, we was glaring at each other.

“Okay, what the hell, Butch? I thought I was your best friend. Who the hell is this guy you’re buying a house for?”

Guy? What guy? I felt like a toad on a log when a kid with a net creeps up from behind and captures it. What the fuck?

I sat there with my mouth hanging open. The silence built between us as Jimmy steamed.

Finally I grabbed the glass of water the waitress had plopped in front of me. I took a drink to get my voice working.

“Guy? I don’t get it. What guy?”