Chapter 17

“But I never thought you were that kind of man, Elwood. So this has surprised me.”

She sat back, which I thought was a sign I could start talking. I was wrong. She snapped her fingers together when I opened my mouth.

“Who is this Jason person, anyway? Do you know anything solid about him? Or is this a gut reaction to the way he looks and sounds and smells?” She had sat up now and was attacking me with a pointer finger in the face.

Guess it was my turn to speak.

“Jason? What the hell has Jason got to do with anything?” I both sounded and felt like a moron.

“That’s what I want to know!” Her hands flew up, a fingernail clipping me on the cheek. “Who the hell is Jason, and who does he think he is?”

She did her “I’m all ears” listening thing. She put her elbows on the table, slapped her arms down and crossed them, then sat forward, staring at me. I always felt self-conscious and dumber than shit when she did that.