Chapter 7

True, fewer of them came from the bargain basement where I started, but some of them did. Rags to riches stories weren’t unique.

Still, even though I felt like I knew him, when I peeked up at him, I couldn’t imagine him starting where I had. He could have come from modest means.

My imagining him in a humble house and working his way up made him seem almost human. Maybe I could talk him into letting me stay in the theater, at least until winter was over.

Beside, how could I turn away a free meal? I might be a little clueless sometimes, but I wasn’t totally stupid.

In the end, I ordered an omelet. Since it came with hash browns, two pancakes, and sourdough toast, with butter and real strawberry jam, I understood that it was too much for a guy to eat at one sitting. When he said just to leave the food if I didn’t want it, I assured him that unlike a lot of people, I loved leftovers.

“So, Mick, what do you see yourself doing in ten years or so? You got any big dreams? Any plans?”