Maybe that was why he seemed younger than his apparent age. Sean guessed Rob was about twenty-five, no more than a couple of years younger than he was, even though the fair man acted about sixteen. Despite that, he found Rob very attractive and a strange desire to protect him had emerged almost at once.
“Did you just come to visit and check us out? I wrote the notice Daniel put in the local paper. We’re hoping to get some new folks to join us. With the factory shutting down, a lot of people have had to move and we’ve lost some members.”
“I saw that ad,” Sean admitted. “It spoke to me, somehow. I’ve been away from my Wiccan roots quite a while and it just called to me, said it was time to think about returning. You wrote a very good invitation.”
This time Rob actually blushed. “Thank you, thank you again. I thought it was kind of juvenile or maybe too folksy, but Daniel said it would do.”