“Seriously? I’d swear you’re twelve.” Alex just laughs. “Anyway, don’t worry about any of that. Just come to the house around eight. I mean, close to eight. Whatever. I’m not picky.”
Alex raises an eyebrow. “Yes, you are.”
“Well, I mean, don’t be really late or anything, we’ve got—
“I’ll be there at eight P.M.,” Alex says with a laugh. “No worries.”
“Okay, then. Eight on Saturday. I’ll take care of everything.” Mahiro edges up to Alex for another kiss, and it seems now that he’s allowed himself the indulgence, he kisses Alex whenever he can, whenever the mood strikes him, and that’s fairly often. Alex doesn’t mind, not one bit, not when Mahiro’s kisses never seem the same from one to the next. This one is careful and soft, a lingering goodbye, and Alex watches him hail a cab and drive away, looking at Alex through the back window until the Saturday traffic swallows him up.
* * * *