She grinned. “Now, honey, no need to be embarrassed. You’re a Storm Mage, one of the most powerful people on the planet—other than me. But if it means that much to you, how about you try things at a slower pace for a while, until you find someone worthy of taking that ‘burden’ from you?”
She snapped her fingers, and Marlow stumbled. He could move! He darted toward her—but almost instantly collapsed.
“Get laid, Marlow King,” her voice prompted him to look up. She’d backed away by the trees, and just before she turned and fled between them, she added, “Then you can have your magic back.”
“Wait!” Marlow chased after her, supernatural fatigue be damned, but by the time he burst through the trees on the other side of the park, she was gone. He huffed at how much that short sprint had winded him. One of the positives about having so much innate magic was increased stamina—clearly, given his boner problem—but now, he had none.
No stamina.
No magic.
“You have gotto be kidding me.”