Waiting outside on the street corner helped cool his heated skin but it didn’t do much to squelch his nerves. He checked his phone. Hannigan was worried, having left a succession of messages urging him to come back to the station.
Are you okay?
Why aren’t you more freaked out about this?
Let me know immediately if anything changes.
I know you’re not telling me everything.
She always knew when he was hiding something, but if Marlow confessed the truth now, she’d just try to talk him out of going home with Remy, and that was the best solution he could think of.
He texted back: I lied. She told me how to break the curse, it’s just personal and embarrassing, so I need to sort this out myself. I’ll be fine. Please don’t report anything. I’ll have everything fixed by morning.
Then he turned off his phone.