“Yes.” He rocked his hips to pull Remy in deeper. “Like that, please.”
“Shit, Marlow. Have you any idea what you look like? What you soundlike?” Remy’s face was flushed, breaths coming out short. He pulled out slowly, then in again, then out and in again, and soon, just as teasingly, added a second finger.
This was how Marlow teased himself, always trying to make it last longer, make himself quiver before he came, but with Remy’s hands, it was so much more than anything he’d ever experienced alone or with magic thrumming through him.
“A bit…left?”
Remy followed his every direction.
And every time his commands were heard, he melted. It made him feel so powerful. So at ease. So in control. He’d never felt that with anyone else. Maybe that was why he’d never made it this far before.
By the time Remy’s two long fingers were scissoring as deep inside of him as he’d ever touched himself, he was a mess of nods and panting breaths.