“Okay. When would be a good time?”
I looked down at my watch. “How about now? I’ve got an hour left before I have to head back to the college for my office hours.”
“I’m out walking as we speak. How about I meet you at the hospital in, say, ten minutes?”
It was twenty minutes later when Liam strolled through the windy stone path leading around the duck pond and llama petting zoo to the customer parking lot. I was waiting for him next to my car, wiping sweat from my face with the back of my hand.
He was still dressed in his athletic attire and running shoes from earlier when I saw him at the college. “Have you been running all this time?” I asked.
He leaned his head back and laughed. He was boyish and handsome and I looked away, bashful, feeling guilty for staring at him. “I walk more than run,” he said, leaning up beside me. He smelled sweaty, musky. He was breathing hard.