“I wish I could help.”
“You’ve been more than helpful, Liam. Thanks again for stopping by the hospital. It meant a lot to me.”
“I wish there was more I could do.”
I tossed the stained, soaked towel into the sink and stared out into the golden light of a brand new day. The heat of the early morning sun trickled through the kitchen window and warmed my face.
“Can you get away from the hospital today?” he asked.
I thought about it, and finally said, “I’ve got to stay with my father for most of the day. But I’d definitely like to see you.”
“Well, I’ll wait to hear from you. Call me when you can. I’ll be here.”
“Thanks, Liam.”
“Take care of yourself.”
“I will.”
We said goodbye, each of us waiting on the line for the other person to say something, to keep talking. Finally, I thanked him again for his support, and hung up, promising that we’d see each other soon. I pocketed my cell phone, finished my breakfast, stacked my plate in the sink, and left for the hospital.